Plastic pollution

10 Shocking Facts About Plastic Pollution You Need To Know

Looking for some motivation on your plastic free journey? If so, here are 10 shocking facts about plastic pollution that will remind you why avoiding single-use plastic matters. Why we need to do more to tackle plastic pollution        1. There are currently 51 trillion pieces of microplastics in our oceans. That is almost 269,000 tonnes, […]

10 Shocking Facts About Plastic Pollution You Need To Know Read More ยป

how does plastic affect soil

How Does Plastic Affect Soil? Surprising Facts You Might Not Know

Itโ€™s fairly common knowledge that plastic is harmful for animals around the world, including humans. We also know that itโ€™s unattractive to see it littering the streets and oceans – but we donโ€™t often ask, how does plastic affect soil? Much of our plastic goes to landfills – we only recycle 9% in the US and 45% in the

How Does Plastic Affect Soil? Surprising Facts You Might Not Know Read More ยป

fishing net pollution

Fishing Net Pollution Horror: Why we need to address it

Plastic pollution is an issue that everyone needs to be accountable for. While the changes you make in your personal life are incredibly important, thereโ€™s an elephant in the room that we need to talk about: fishing net pollution.  Also referred to as ghost fishing gear, abandoned fishing nets, ropes, and lines account for 46% of the

Fishing Net Pollution Horror: Why we need to address it Read More ยป

hidden microplastic in salt

8 Products You Didnโ€™t Know Contain Hidden Microplastic

Weโ€™ve created a world where we depend on plastic – and hidden microplastic is one of the prices we must now pay. About two-thirds of all plastic ever made still remains in our environment, slowly breaking down into microplastics.  Microplastic surrounds us, and the average person consumes 5 grams per week – the equivalent of eating a plastic button.

8 Products You Didnโ€™t Know Contain Hidden Microplastic Read More ยป

girl holds save the earth sign

World Nature Conservation Day & How to Celebrate!

July 28th is World Nature Conservation Day – are you ready to celebrate? A handful of global holidays highlight the importance of caring for our environment, so itโ€™s important to participate in each one. Of course, we should treat every day like World Nature Conservation Day – this is the only planet we have! What

World Nature Conservation Day & How to Celebrate! Read More ยป

letter to the local politician template

How to Email Your Local Politician (Letter to the Local Politician Template!)

A letter to the local politician template can make standing up for what you believe in painless. While avoiding single-use plastic in our daily lives is great, reaching out to our local representatives is even better! These people depend on your vote to keep their jobs – so make them work for it! Letting your

How to Email Your Local Politician (Letter to the Local Politician Template!) Read More ยป

fake paper bottle is the definition of greenwashing

The Definition of Greenwashing & Why it Matters

Today, weโ€™re surrounded by companies who are going โ€œgreen,โ€ yet many people donโ€™t know the definition of greenwashing. While itโ€™s so important that more companies hop on the eco-friendly bandwagon, many are simply doing it for money – and offering up a less than genuine product to maximize profits.  So what is the definition of

The Definition of Greenwashing & Why it Matters Read More ยป

turtle plastics

How an Image of Turtle Plastics Changed the World for the Better

Have you ever considered the effects of turtle plastics? It was an image of a turtle with a plastic straw stuck in its nose that, while painful to look at, spurred global discussion and change overnight. World Sea Turtle Day is June 16th, but we should be thinking about these gentle giants and all other

How an Image of Turtle Plastics Changed the World for the Better Read More ยป

letter on plastic pollution

Letter on plastic pollution to email to brands

Flip a plastic product upside down and look for the aftercare instructions. How often do you see “Not Yet Recycled”? Non-recyclable plastic product and packaging need to end. Here’s a template letter on plastic pollution to show companies that enough is enough. Concern about plastic pollution globally is at an all-time high. Demand for action

Letter on plastic pollution to email to brands Read More ยป