The cutest handcrafted water bottle on earth

As a former Mrs Magpie, I love shiny things. Giving up the urge for shine in favour of more natural materials has been a hit in the whole plastic free ride. Knowing this about me, here is the story of a super sweet, handcrafted water bottle.

Don’t try this at home. 

My shiny water bottle isn’t something I’d recommend doing. The coating is not eco friendly, glitter being a big no-no from me, due to it being potentially very toxic and hazardous.  Let me explain… I wanted a reusable water bottle for my birthday present. So my boyfriend thought “Mia likes bling” and searched for a shiny water bottle, but had with no luck. Taking matters into his own hands, he bought a Sigg bottle. He proceeded to paint it with glue mixed with silver glitter, finishing it off by spraying it with car surface gloss (making sure that the part I would be drinking from was protected!) Finally, he wrote “Mia” on it with a glue pen. Despite the process being terrifying, it’s now my favourite travel companion. It is always complimented.

My boyfriend has made a lot of compromises, but still doesn’t always follow a plastic-free lifestyle. However, he is learning about my new lifestyle choices are, and most importantly, the sentiment is right.

The shininess has definitely come in handy during some near loss experiences! E.g. The time I left it in a clothes shop, cafe, and many more that we don’t need to go into!) And in the long run, it’s saved me many, many, many single-use plastic bottles. 

Why did he do this? Because he’s dating a sentiMENTALIST.  I’m not a typical girl to date. Tiffany & Co. pieces are not appreciated by me. I love independents, useful crafts and gifts with provenance.

After some time, my boyfriend began to understand the complexity of what he’s dating. And then out of nowhere began to realise what makes me happy are experiences, places, items with meaning, and dare I say, I think it all might be a breath of fresh air compared to the designer handbags he’s used to buying for his exes. Think he also secretly enjoyed getting crafty, but he’d never admit that.

Mia Hadrill
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