bins to donate clothes to

Why You Should Donate Clothes & Bins to Donate Clothes To

Donating unused clothing is an excellent way to lighten up your closet and help those in need – plus, there are so many easily accessible bins to donate clothes to. In the US, just 15% of textiles are recycled or donated, while 25 billion pounds are created each year. In the UK, over 30% of unwanted clothing goes to landfills. Don’t contribute to the problem – find some bins to donate clothes to instead.

Why donating clothes is so important

When you add your unwanted items to bins to donate clothes, you’re helping yourself, others, and the planet. First, getting rid of unwanted clothing can act as a weight lifted off your shoulders. You’ll be able to see the clothing that you do want to keep and face less decision fatigue when choosing what to wear. 

Next, you’ll help others by making affordable clothing available to others. Underprivileged folks, disaster victims, and children in need can all make use of clothing that no longer serves you. This is especially true of items still in good shape.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll help the planet, which in turn helps everyone who lives here. People buy 56 million tons of clothing on a yearly basis. At the consumer level, we’re buying 60% more clothing than we did 15 years ago. While we consume more clothing than ever, we drive the fashion industry to produce more – and the way they produce it is bad news for the environment.

The fashion industry uses large quantities of non-renewable resources, like petroleum, to make clothing that is prematurely thrown away. The production system pollutes the environment, puts a strain on water resources, and degrades ecosystems. Of all greenhouse gas emissions, the fashion industry causes 10% – about 1.2 billion tons each year. 

bins to donate clothes to otherwise a shoe may end up in landfill

Bins to donate clothes to in the US

  • Goodwill – Revenue from Goodwill thrift stores goes towards job training and job placement services, among other community programs.

  • The American Red Cross – Partners with GreenDrop to deliver donated clothes to thrift stores for a fee. The funds then go to support the efforts of the Red Cross.

  • Dress for Success – For professional clothing donations, consider donating to Dress For Success. This organization has donated to almost 150 cities in 25 countries, resulting in 1.2 million women gaining jobs. 

  • Soles4Souls – This organization accepts shoes and clothing, redistributing them to people around the world. They also help people open businesses to sell the donated items, effectively fighting poverty.

Bins to donate clothes to in the UK

  • Smart Works – This charity gives professional clothing to unemployed women. It also provides training for the women to help them gain employment. 

  • Traid – Traid takes donated clothing and sells them to generate funds to help fight the social and environmental impacts of the fashion industry. 

  • Heart UK – This organization partners with iCollectClothes, a free recycling collection service. For every ton of items collected, Heart UK receives £200. With this money, Heart UK provides vital support for people with high cholesterol. 

Do you have a favourite bin provider to donate clothes to? Whether it’s a collection service, a storefront, or an actual bin – donating your unwanted clothing is a great way to do your part. I hope you’ve found this blog helpful!

For more eco clothing content, check out my post on eco-friendly washing here!

If you need support, join the Aim Plastic Free challenge! You can join here – expect daily tips and community support. 

As always, you can support me and the site by buying me a cup of coffee, commenting below or sharing the site with a friend. Your support means the world to me!

Mia Hadrill
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