Search Results for: reusable

condoms lined up in a row

Zero Waste Condoms: Is It Possible? The Best Conscious and Vegan Protection

Have you ever seen those people who fit all of their trash in a jar and wonder… how about sex – are they using zero waste condoms? Otherwise, where are the wrappers from their years of enjoying life? Compared to fruit sticker labels, empty condom wrappers are less likely to make it onto the polished […]

Zero Waste Condoms: Is It Possible? The Best Conscious and Vegan Protection Read More »

how many sharks die from plastic each year

How Many Sharks Die From Plastic Each Year? (The Answer Might Shock You!)

August 30th is International Whale Shark Day, which is the perfect time to learn how many sharks die from plastic each year. Unfortunately, our plastic pollution crisis is affecting the animals on our planet in a dire way. The animals who live in and around the oceans are especially affected, as we dump eight metric tons of

How Many Sharks Die From Plastic Each Year? (The Answer Might Shock You!) Read More »