woman showing her armpits with flowers in

11 Awesome Plastic Free Deodorant Options

We spend $18 billion each year on deodorant and antiperspirant - imagine if everyone switched to plastic free deodorant! The majority of deodorant on the market today comes in plastic packaging that is made up of many small components. Much of this plastic is hard to recycle and

Cut up aloe for homemade aloe vera products

How To Make Homemade Aloe Vera Products: Three easy DIYs

Homemade aloe vera products can provide the same moisturising, soothing effects as storebought products, minus all the plastic and added chemicals. Aloe vera offers tons of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytosterols, and polysaccharides. It has vitamins A, C, D, and E, as well as potassium, magnesium,

bamboo swab

Day 18: Swap Plastic Swabs for Bamboo Swabs

A small, yet important swap you can make is to start using bamboo swabs instead of plastic swabs. These single use products may seem inconsequential, but their impact adds up. An unimaginable 1.5 million disposable swabs are produced every single day. When you consider all the resources

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