plastic free trainers

Plastic Free Shoes You Need To Know About

It's time to put a plastic free spring into your step with plastic free shoes! We're constantly looking for new ways to reduce our plastic use. Recent years have highlighted how damaging plastic pollution is to our planet.  If we want to save our planet, protect

What is Microfiber made of

What is Microfiber made of?

If you’ve ever worn synthetic clothing or cleaned with a textured detail rag, you’ve come into contact with microfibers. But what is microfiber made of and why does it matter?  What is microfiber made out of? Microfiber refers to a couple of different things: first, microfiber material,

natural fibres plastic bag dress plastic clothing

Day 9: Choose natural fibres

We’ve all been there: whether you’re bombarded with ads for clothing sales on social media, or you pass by a sale rack at the store, the temptation is real. It’s hard to turn away from that instant gratification - but it’s important to. According to

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