woman showing her armpits with flowers in

11 Awesome Plastic Free Deodorant Options

We spend $18 billion each year on deodorant and antiperspirant - imagine if everyone switched to plastic free deodorant! The majority of deodorant on the market today comes in plastic packaging that is made up of many small components. Much of this plastic is hard to recycle and

How to Make a Plastic Free Breakfast

How delicious does a plastic free breakfast sound? In today’s world, we’re surrounded by plastic, especially when it comes to food packaging. From plastic yoghurt containers to plastic cereal bags and plastic milk jugs - it’s everywhere. Fortunately, there are alternatives for all your favourite breakfast

mother and daughter looking into a freezer

How to Do An Eye-Opening Freezer Inventory

Conducting a freezer inventory is one way to get really honest with yourself about your habits. Food is often wrapped in plastic packaging, especially if you live in a place where fresh food and farmers’ markets are sparse. However, a little dig through your freezer

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