DIY reusable hand sanitiser

reusable hand sanitiser

Looking for a DIY reusable hand sanitiser that doesn\’t contribute to our ocean plastic problem? Aim is here to offer some possible solutions.

With the global pandemic, we\’ve all had to learn how best to keep our hands clean and hygienic. We\’ve seen the circulating World Health Organization infographics and videos on best practice and now know with Covid-19, it\’s always best to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Sometimes though, we are out and about without access to clean water, and we need something to sanitise us fast. Typically, the little handheld sanitisers are in tiny plastic tubs. So how do we go about keeping safe while avoiding single use plastic?


Reusable hand sanitiser 

One solution is by Sanikind who offer an endlessly refillable eco hand sanitiser. Sanikind is the first ever reusable hand sanitiser made from 100% recycled ocean bound plastic. The plastic is collected from streets, riverways and coastlines of Mexico and Haiti. It is then sorted, cleaned, shredded and processed into plastic pellets. They turn these pellets into the Sanikind Mini. The refill bottles are made from pre-recycled aluminium. The design is really handy as the spray bottle clips on to a keyring, so you can keep it on the outside of your bag. This is great to avoid grubby fingers all over the zips and bag inner while rummaging for your sanitiser.

You can get 15% off Sanikind with the discount code \’AFFILIATES\’ at checkout



DIY hand sanitiser 

So how do we go about refilling our reusable hand sanitiser? There are a few options. In some places, there are premade bulk stations where you can easily squirt in a bit of liquid straight into the refill bottle. Sanikind also offer an 8 fl ox liquid Sanitiser Refill in a recyclable aluminium bottle. This bottle provided more than 10 refills.

Otherwise, it\’s straightforward to make a DIY reusable hand sanitiser. You only need three ingredients (alcohol, aloe vera gel and lemon). 

Please note, it\’s not quite as simple as grabbing any shelf vodka. The alcohol must be at least 190 proof alcohol or at the very least 120 proof alcohol to be effective. If you have an old bottle of isopropyl alcohol laying around, use this. 

If pure spirits are too pricey, to purchase Isopropyl alcohol, you may have to buy it “in bulk” large plastic container. This is still a better way to reduce plastic waste that the build up of many tiny disposable bottles. 

For the aloe vera gel, you can either buy it premade from the shop or harvest the gel straight from inside the leaves. Fresh aloe does not have natural preservatives. It can go bad relatively quickly, so you\’d need to make it again about every 10-14 days.

DIY sanitiser recipe:






Instructions to make your DIY hand sanitiser:


  • First, ensure the sure space and equipment are clean. 
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. 
  • Then mix 2 parts of alcohol to 1 part aloe vera gel. The alcohol content needs to stay at 60% for it to be effective. 
  • Whisk all the ingredients thoroughly with a spoon until they\’re well blended. 
  • Pour the ingredients into a container using a funnel.

To kill any bacteria that may have been introduced during the mixing process, the World Health Organization recommends letting your hand sanitiser sit for a minimum of 72 hours after you\’ve finished making it. 

CDC recommends hand sanitisers that are at least 60% alcohol and remember for effectiveness the alcohol is the important part not the essential oil or the aloe.

Disclaimer: This DIY hand sanitiser is not a substitute for proper handwashing. It has never been tested in a lab to determine it\’s efficacy against Covid-19. Homemade hand sanitiser is not recommended for children. Add caution if your skin is light sensitive. This recipe is by Healthline. Their site provides further guidance. This blog may contain affiliate links which means I make a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you. See the disclosure policy for more information

Whether or not refill or DIY is best for you, knowing what\’s inside your hand sanitiser is important. Recently hand sanitisers we recalled due to holding methanol, or wood alcohol, which can be toxic when absorbed through the skin. 


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