Today, we’re going to hear from Matthew Ward, who runs an Instagram account called Sustainable Womble where he talks about eco lifestyle, to tell us about how to shave the face using a reusable razor. Over to Matthew.
For us bearded folk, shaving is a routine that we take part in most days if not daily but have you ever considered the possible amount of waste that it creates?
According to Statista, 159.79 million Americans used disposable razor blades and shavers in 2019, with this number projected to increase to 161.88 million in 2023. Can you begin to imagine what the figures look like including the rest of the world!
In recent years shaving subscriptions have become increasingly popular. There are a few zero waste ones that offer the safety razor many of them are based around the modern disposable razor blades. This still creates a waste that cannot be recycled and will end up in the landfill. I was only able to find one subscription box that offered a recycling scheme which relied on the consumer to collect the blades and send them back to them.

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The benefits of shaving your face with a reusable razor
Don’t worry guys, there are several solutions out there that can help you with shaving without destroying the planet. Double-edged safety razors have been around for decades and were always used until the invention of the modern-day safety razor.
Back in 2018, I decided to give a double-edged reusable razor shave a try and bought one along with some blades.
I went for the Double Edge Safety Razor with Long Natural Bamboo Handle by Bambaw as they seemed to be sold at most zero-waste outlets and had really good reviews. They now have loads of cool more modern designs and different colours so it should be easy to find one that suits you. When it arrived, I liked that there was zero plastic and it came in an easily recyclable cardboard box.
For blades, I recommend Shark Replacement Blades. I tried several different types of blades before I found the right one. I bought some bulk ones from online outlets, but they went dull very quickly and didn’t make for a comfortable shave. I found Shark blades which are relatively cheap and very sharp and take a while to go blunt, I have stuck with these ever since.
Friendly Soap Shaving Bar is great for a smoother and cleaner shaving experience.
How to shave using a reusable razor:
I have to admit I was nervous the first time I used the reusable razor but was quick to realise there was no need. Don’t get me wrong, I have cut myself a few times but found this is usually the case when I’m rushing.
My tips for a waste free shave are:
- Shave as soon as you get out the bath/shower this is because your skin is already soft
- Lather your soap/cream up and evenly spread all over the area of your face that you intend to shave
- Gentle shave down your face without putting too much pressure
- Rinse your blade in warm water after each stroke
- Take your time shaving and don’t rush. Especially near your nose and lips
- Don’t shave against the stubble as this can cause irritation and ingrowing hairs
- Once you have finished, rinse your face in cool water and once try to use a zero waste moisturiser on your face if possible
- Change your blade regularly, and once it starts to feel blunt and not running smoothly down your face.

Thank you to Matthew for this super helpful guest post on how to get both the cleanest and greenest shave. Great tips, I am definitely going to share this with friends and family who would find this useful to get started on using a reusable razor.
How about you, what’s your shaving routine? Leave a comment below and let us know your favourite razor brand to shave with?
This is really interesting