Bamboo toothbrush benefits – Why bamboo is great for you and the planet

plant stick names with a bamboo toothbrush

Twice a day, every day, we pick up a toothbrush to clean our teeth. This daily hygiene habit is good for us, but it\’s been wreaking havoc on the planet. Billions of plastic toothbrushes are sent to landfill or end up in waterways each year. That\’s why we\’re going over bamboo toothbrush benefits. Investing in eco toothbrushes is a significant step in plastic reduction that can do great good for you and the planet.

Plastic toothbrushes and our health

Plastic toothbrushes are made from a variety of different plastics. These include high-density polyethene and nylon, which are not biodegradable. Toothbrushes made with BPA and phthalates are known endocrine disrupters and have been linked to health problems. We\’re rubbing this plastic next to our gums twice a day for our whole existence. Considering that every week, the average person consumes enough micro-plastic to make a credit card, it’s important to limit plastic exposure wherever possible. 

Shop bamboo toothbrushes

Plastic toothbrushes and the environment

Most toothbrushes are non-recyclable due to their mixed material. The average recommended lifespan of a toothbrush is 3 – 4 months. At the end of their lifecycle, most toothbrushes will end up in the landfill. Nearly every single plastic toothbrush made since the 1930s is still out there in the world somewhere, living on as a piece of trash. Taking up to 400 years to decompose, this means they will break down into microplastics. Microplastics cause a range of environmental problems in our ecosystem.

Bamboo toothbrush benefits

The great news is that bamboo toothbrushes last just as long a standard plastic toothbrush. Bamboo is a grass, not a tree. This magical, natural plant grows incredibly fast, making it renewable and sustainable. It can also thrive without pesticides and fertiliser, making it safer for both the earth and us. Lastly, bamboo is biodegradable. That means you can add the toothbrush straight into the compost. If the bristles are still plastic, you can easily separate the plastic bristle from the handle with pliers to place in general waste and add the bamboo toothbrush stick in with plant waste. 

Using a bamboo toothbrush is an easy way to reduce plastic and help the environment. These days you can even get completely plastic-free bamboo toothbrushes. By purchasing a bamboo toothbrush, you’re using your money to vote for the end of plastic toothbrushes. 

Do you fee empowered by these bamboo toothbrush benefits? Have you made the switch to use a bamboo toothbrush yet? What brands do you recommend?

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