Three Great Ways to Create DIY Hair Ties

girl with tights with holes in to make DIY hair ties

Did you know you can easily DIY hair ties at home? If you’re anything like me, hair ties always seem to go missing or break apart. At times like that, these DIY options are so useful. Plus, there’s no need to go out to the shop and buy new ones when you likely have the supplies laying around at home.


Why try making your own hair tie?


Hair ties are typically made from elastane and nylon. While elastane comes from natural fibers, nylon is a synthetic fiber made from petroleum. That means that nylon is a form of plastic. Nylon is also not biodegradable, so it will eventually turn into microplastics when we dispose of it incorrectly. Plus, with every wear, nylon sheds microplastics – which then make their way into our water and air. Instead of buying new hair ties and contributing to the demand for nylon, do a hair tie DIY!


DIY Hair Ties: Three Ways


1. Fix broken hair ties


For skinny hair ties that snap apart, hot glue them back together! You do have to work quickly, but this fix takes just a few seconds. Check out a full video tutorial here.

For scrunchies and fluffier hair ties, you can rip the seam and hot glue the elastic inside, then sew it closed again at the seam. Put on your favorite TV show or music and make it fun!

2. Cut up tights


Have any old tights around that aren’t getting used? Cut them into hair ties! Simply remove the top and the toe seam, then cut them at the leg in about a 1-inch width. If you cut the width thinner, the hair tie will be looser. Whichever width you choose, the tights will curl in on themselves to about the same size. Hold the strip between your two pointer fingers, then pull on the material using your thumb against your pointer finger to help it curl into a tube. Voila!


4. Use old fabric


Even if you don’t have elastic lying around, you can use any old fabric to create a hair tie. The stretchier the fabric, the better – this is why tights work so well. Cut the fabric into a strip that’s about 4 inches long, then fold it in half. Tie the ends together, and you’re done! Check out a video tutorial here.

One of the best things you can do for our planet is to use what you already have rather than heading to the store to purchase something new. As tempting as it may be, when we make a purchase, we create demand for more products (and usually more plastic.) Make do with what you have when possible, and create DIY hair ties – even if just for fun!

For more plastic free content, check out my post on making your own DIY bath bombs here! Unlike many common store-bought bath bombs, my recipe calls for no glitter. If you need support, join the Aim Plastic Free challenge! You can join here – expect daily tips and community support. 

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Have you tried any of these options? How did it go? Let me know in the comment section below.